Parts of Speech Worksheets

Now that you have learned the 8 parts of speech, it is time to practice.

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Before you begin, review the 8 parts of speech with the Parts of Speech Summary Table.

Exercise A: Nouns

A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.


man = person


barn = place

bird = thing

Read the nouns below. Write each noun in the correct category.

doctor        America        school        dog        pencil

Nick        car        Mr. Martin        bottle        office

boy        phone       store        Harold        bedroom

  1. __________

  2. __________

  3. __________

  4. __________

  5. __________

  1. __________

  2. __________

  3. __________

  4. __________

  5. __________

  1. __________

  2. __________

  3. __________

  4. __________

  5. __________

Skip to Answers for Exercise A

Exercise B: Describing with adjectives

Adjectives are describing words. We use adjectives to describe nouns. They can tell us how something looks, tastes, smells, sounds, or feels.

Directions: Look at each picture. Describe each picture using adjectives. Some have been done for you.

What does it look like? How does it taste? What does it smell like? What does it sound like? How does it feel?
ice cream silent
orange slices smooth
garbage dirty
flowers bad

Skip to Answers for Exercise B

Exercise C: Identifying verbs

Verbs are action words.

man running

He runs to the bus.

runs = main verb

Sentences can have main verbs, auxiliary verbs (helping verbs), or compound verbs. Compound verbs include a main verb and an auxiliary verb.

man running

He is running to the bus.

is running = compound verb (auxiliary verb + main verb)

Directions: Read each sentence. Identify the compound verbs by telling the main verb and auxiliary verb in each sentence.

1. The dogs are playing with the stick.
  • main verb = ______________

  • auxiliary verb = _____________

2. The children were watching television last night.
  • main verb = ______________

  • auxiliary verb = _____________

3. We have collected the money for the prize.
  • main verb = ______________

  • auxiliary verb = _____________

4. She is swimming in the water.
  • main verb = ______________

  • auxiliary verb = _____________

5. He was singing the song.
  • main verb = ______________

  • auxiliary verb = _____________

6. We were walking to the park.
  • main verb = ______________

  • auxiliary verb = _____________

7. Is the baby crying?
  • main verb = ______________

  • auxiliary verb = _____________

8. Do you hear me?
  • main verb = ______________

  • auxiliary verb = _____________

9. Will you call?
  • main verb = ______________

  • auxiliary verb = _____________

10. I am working until 10 o'clock.
  • main verb = ______________

  • auxiliary verb = _____________
Skip to Answers for Exercise C

Exercise D: Choosing conjunctions

A conjunction is a word that joins parts of a sentence together.


There are 7 coordinating conjunctions.
  • For
  • And
  • Nor
  • But
  • Or
  • Yet
  • So
Directions: Read each sentence. Choose a coordinating conjunction to complete each sense. Some coordinating conjunctions will be used more than once.

1. My favorite activities are swimming, skating, _____ jogging.

2. She wanted to go to California, _____ she went to Florida instead.

3. Nick did not have enough money, _____ he couldn't pay for dinner.

4. She is neither smart _____ pretty.

5. Carl is a great cook, _____ his wife does most of the cooking at home.

6. He thought she would call, _____ she had promised.

7. I was late to work, _____ I had to stay until 6 o'clock.

8. Do you want a hamburger ____ a hotdog?

9. At the pet store, I will either buy a kitten ____ a puppy.

10. I turned off the light _____ shut the door.

Skip to Answers for Exercise D

Exercise E: Choose an adverb

An adverb is a word that describes or gives more information about a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or even the entire sentence.

Directions: Complete each sentence with an adverb from the list below. Use each word only once.

quickly        rarely        high        easily        perfectly

well        here        down        tomorrow        possibly

1. The squirrel ran __________ the tree trunk. 

2. She is not a good employee; she __________ finishes her work on time.

3. Are you feeling _________ ?

4. He will visit _________.

5. Please bring the box __________.

6. She __________ ran to the store.

7. It will __________ rain tonight.

8. He _________ caught the ball and won the game!

9. The basketball player jumps _________.

10. She sang the song ________.

Skip to Answers for Exercise E

Exercise F: Prepositions

Prepositions connect a noun or pronoun to other words in the sentence.

Directions: Look at each picture. Describe the relationship of the object to the person or animal using a prepositional phrase.

The first one is done for you as an example.

man and dog    1. The man is standing beside the dog.

man and computer 2. ________________________________

man and ball 3. _________________________________

frog4. __________________________________

man on house 5. _________________________

Skip to Answers for Exercise F

Exercise G: Personal pronouns

A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun.

Directions: Read each sentence. Underline the personal pronoun in each sentence. Then tell whether it is a objective pronoun or subjective pronoun by writing "object" or "subject" on the line.

man studying

1. We are visiting our grandparents. _________________________________

2. She is happy today! ____________________________________________

3. Erica gave her the box. __________________________________________

4. It has been broken for 2 days. ____________________________________

5. Andy worked with him yesterday. _________________________________

6. The chef baked her a special dessert. _____________________________

7. Thomas wrote her a poem. _______________________________________

8. They are studying for a test. _____________________________________

9. You should buy the dress. _______________________________________

10. He is my favorite teacher. ______________________________________

Skip to Answer for Exercise G

Exercise H: Interjections

An interjection is a short sound, word or phrase used to express the speaker's emotion.

Directions: Choose an interjection from the list below to complete each sentence.

Oh        Hey        Wow        Look 

Ouch        Please        Yes        No        Ah 

people looking up

1. __________! Can you see the rainbow? 

man in the sun

2. __________! He laid in the sun too long!


3. __________, this gift is for you.


4. __________, I want a cookie.

strong man

5. __________! He is very strong!

Skip to Answers for Exercise H

Answer Key

Exercise A: Nouns (Answers)

  1. doctor
  2. Nick
  3. Mr. Martin
  4. boy
  5. Harold

  1. America
  2. school
  3. office
  4. store
  5. bedroom

  1. dog
  2. pencil
  3. car
  4. bottle
  5. phone

Exercise B: Describing with adjectives (Answers)

Answers will vary. Some examples are given below.

What does it look like? How does it taste? What does it smell like? What does it sound like? How does it feel?
ice cream white
vanilla silent smooth
orange slices orange
quiet smooth
garbage dirty gross
glass breaking sharp
flowers pretty
bad sweet
silent smooth

Exercise C: Identifying verbs (Answers)

1. The dogs are playing with the stick.
  • main verb = playing

  • auxiliary verb = are

2. The children were watching television last night.
  • main verb = watching

  • auxiliary verb = were

3. We have collected the money for the prize.
  • main verb = collected

  • auxiliary verb = have

4. She is swimming in the water.
  • main verb = swimming

  • auxiliary verb = is

5. He was singing the song.
  • main verb = singing

  • auxiliary verb = was

6. We were walking to the park.
  • main verb = walking

  • auxiliary verb = were

7. Is the baby crying?
  • main verb = crying

  • auxiliary verb = is

8. Do you hear me?
  • main verb = hear

  • auxiliary verb = do

9. Will you call?
  • main verb = call

  • auxiliary verb = will

10. I am working until 10 o'clock.
  • main verb = working

  • auxiliary verb = am

Exercise D: Choosing conjunctions (Answers)

1. My favorite activities are swimming, skating and jogging.

2. She wanted to go to California, but she went to Florida instead.

3. Nick did not have enough money, so he couldn't pay for dinner.

4. She is neither smart nor pretty.

5. Carl is a great cook, yet his wife does most of the cooking at home.

6. He thought she would call, for she had promised.

7. I was late to work, so I had to stay until 6 o'clock.

8. Do you want a hamburger or a hotdog?

9. At the pet store, I will either buy a kitten or a puppy.

10. I turned off the light and shut the door.

Exercise E: Choose an adverb (Answers)

1. The squirrel ran down the tree trunk. 

2. She is not a good employee; she rarely finishes her work on time.

3. Are you feeling well?

4. He will visit tomorrow.

5. Please bring the box here.

6. She quickly ran to the store.

7. It will possibly rain tonight.

8. He easily caught the ball and won the game!

9. The basketball player jumps high.

10. She sang the song perfectly.

Exercise F: Prepositions (Answers)

man and dog    1. The man is standing beside the dog.

man and computer

 2. The man stands in front of the computer.

man and ball 3. The ball is behind the man.

frog4. The frog sits in the pot of gold.

man on house

5. The man sits  on top of the house.

Exercise G: Personal pronouns (Answers)

1. We are visiting our grandparents. object

2. She is happy today! object

3. Erica gave her the box. subject

4. It has been broken for 2 days. object

5. Andy worked with him yesterday. subject

6. The chef baked her a special dessert. subject

7. Thomas wrote her a poem. subject

8. They are studying for a test. object

9. You should buy the dress. object

10. He is my favorite teacher. object

Exercise H: Interjections (Answers)

(Answers may vary.)

people looking up

1. Look! Can you see the rainbow? 

man in the sun

2. Ouch! He laid in the sun too long!


3. Hey, this gift is for you.


4. Yes, I want a cookie.

strong man

5. Wow! He is very strong!

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