English Reading Practice

Human Right Number 8:
Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law

1. Watch the video at the top of the page.

2. Read the story "Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law" just below it.

3. Do the exercise at the bottom of the page.

Here is the Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law video. You can watch it in your own language at www.youthforhumanrights.org. (Simply click the word "language" at the top of their homepage.)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights describes 30 basic rights that each person has, simply because he or she is human.

This is human right number 8 (the simplified version):

"8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly."

Now read the short story about this important human right.

Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law 

Mrs. Martinez is a high school English teacher. At the beginning of each year, she asks her students to create their own classroom rules.

This year, her freshman class complains about this task.

"Mrs. Martinez," one of the girls says, "This is silly! Why do we have to make up our own rules? Can't you just make them?"

"Sure, I can make up rules," Mrs. Martinez answers, "But the rules are for you, not for me."

"What?" the girl says in a rude tone. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Mrs. Martinez explains, "What if someone punches you? Do you want that to be against the rules? What if someone cheats off your test? Do you want there to be a law against that?"

The girl pauses, "I guess so."

"These rules are not for the teacher. They are for you. Our classroom rules serve and protect you. They keep you safe. They protect your rights. They allow you to focus on why you are here – to learn!"

"Wow," the girl says, "I guess I like rules and laws after all!"

And now, practice:

Exercise 01

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