English Vocabulary Activities

Are you ready for some English Vocabulary Activities? Great!
Before starting, read this important tip.

English vocabulary activities

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All Tenses

What Is Vocabulary?

Vocabulary means "all the words you know and use". It can also mean "all the words that exist in a language".

Why Is Vocabulary Important?

It is very important if you want to communicate with other people!

Do you want to say something, read something, listen to something, be something?

Then you need to have a great vocabulary. That is the bottom line of the story.

How Can This Site Help?

Start by reading Building Vocabulary and Some Common Mistakes. This article will give you some basic tools and information of how you can improve your vocabulary. It also includes some common mistakes people can make.

The next step is to start the activities! These are special activities for teaching vocabulary.

Use the Vocabulary Flashcards, do the Vocabulary Exercises and read the English Short Stories

You can also watch videos in the Learn English Video section.

The English Reading Practice will help you practice your reading even further with articles and additional exercises.

Do you want to check yourself? Do the Vocabulary Quizzes.

Play and practice with the Free Vocabulary Worksheets.

Use the other sections of really-learn-english.com too. You can improve your English grammar, and learn about some really good dictionaries.

Vocabulary Lessons

Find out about teachers games for vocabulary.

Learn and practice the verb to be.

Learn and practice Prepositions of Place: At, In or On?

Find out about Synonyms and Antonyms, What Are Homonyms, Homographs, Homophones and Heteronyms?, and Contronyms in English (Also Called Contranyms or Auto-antonyms).

Read Free! Learn to Speak English!

Informal English: Informal Contractions – American English
For example: gonna (going + to), lemme (let + me), kinda (kind + of), dunno (don't + know)

Causes and Effects in English (Vocabulary and Grammar)
In this lesson, you will learn the meanings of cause, effect, and affect. You will also learn how to express cause and effect in English.

Compare and Contrast in English
An illustrated lesson on how to compare and contrast in English.

Definition of Jump-Start: Meaning, Example Sentences, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Story Dialogues
Learn the meaning and uses of this useful idiom + practice.

English Vocabulary Word Lists

Illustrated lessons with word lists for different topics and situations. For example: restaurant vocabulary, airport vocabulary, wedding vocabulary, sports vocabulary, banking vocabulary, etc.

English Vocabulary Word Lists (Illustrated)

Vocabulary Articles

In addition to the activities above, you can read the following articles. They contain important data for you to use.

Boy writing happily

Your Next Steps:

  1. Practice with Vocabulary Flashcards

  2. Do Vocabulary Exercises

  3. Read English Short Stories

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English Short Stories

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