
Pre-determiners are words placed before English determiners in a sentence. They modify the determiner.

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Pre-determiners come before an article or other determiner and are used to give even more information about the noun that comes after.

To understand pre-determiners, you must first understand English determiners.

English determiners are words used to identify nouns. They tell us how much, how many, whose, and which one.

  • Have you seen my dog?

  • Can I borrow that dress?pencil

  • I want to ride the horse.

  • Please hand me the other pencil.

  • She won the first race.

  • Colorado's mountains are beautiful!

  • I do not have enough paper.

  • She is their third daughter.

Pre-determiners come before determiners. Pre-determiners most commonly come before definite and indefinite articles a, an, or the.

Pre-determiners can be classified into four types as shown in the chart below.

Classification Examples
multipliers twice

five times

ten times
fractions half


intensifiers rather



other all



Multipliers include words and phrases such as:

twice, three times, five times, ten times

This type of pre-determiner is used to express more than the specified amount.

  • She makes twice my annual with hamburger

  • His hamburger is twice the size of mine.

  • I check my messages three times every day.

  • Mom calls me approximately five times a week.

  • Our group raised ten times the amount needed for the trip.


Fractions include words such as:

one-third, half, three-fourths

This type of pre-determiner is used to express a fraction of an amount.

  • Her bus will arrive in half an hour.

  • I ate one-third Sandy's cookies.

  • She uses three-fourths her monthly salary for rent and bills.


Intensifiers include pre-determiners such as:

such, what, rather, quite

This type of pre-determiner expresses surprise, disappointment, pleasure, or other emotions.


  • This turned out to be such a beautiful day! (I am very pleased by the day.)

  • You are such a disappointment. (I am disappointed and surprised by what you did.)

  • It was quite a nice surprise! (I was very surprised and happy.)

  • We had quite an experience when we were on vacation. (The experience was surprising and exciting.)

  • Your mother is rather a nice woman. (I am pleased by your mother.)

  • It is rather a small ring. (I am slightly disappointed by the sizelarge cat of the ring.

  • What an interesting idea! (I am surprised by your idea.)

  • What a large cat! (I am surprised by the size of the cat.) 

Other pre-determiners

There are a few pre-determiners that do not fall into the above categories. They include words such as:

all and both

These two pre-determiners are used to express an entire amount.

  • Both of John's bike tires are flat.

  • He broke both his arms in the accident.

  • All her friends came to her graduation.

  • Did you read all those books?

man with books

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