English Reading Practice

Drug Education Story Number 3:
LSD – Answer Key

1. Watch the video at the top of the page.

2. If you haven't done so, read the story.

3. If you haven't done so, do the exercises.

The exercises practice: vocabulary, expressions, grammar, comprehension, and essay writing.

4. Check your answers.

Here is the video. You can watch it in your own language at The Foundation for a Drug-Free World.(Simply click the word "language" at the top right corner of that page.)

Help to educate others so they know the truth about drugs. Click here for drug education tools for teachers and educators.

Answer Key

Vocabulary Questions

1. What does "Marine" mean?

c) a person who is a member of the military and trained to serve on the sea, land, and air

2. What does "stationed" mean?

a) assigned to work or serve in a certain place

3. What does "discharged" mean?

c) forced to leave a job

4. What does "coke" mean?

a) Cocaine (a powerful illegal drug that is very addictive)

5. What does "hit" mean?

d) a single dose of a drug

6. What does "dodge" mean?

c) move quickly to avoid something

7. What does "jumble" mean?

a) a confused mix

8. What does "trip" mean?

a) hallucinations after taking a drug

9. What does "prude" mean?

b) someone who is easily shocked

10. What does "911" mean?

d) the phone number for emergency services

11. What does "repercussions" mean?

b) negative results of an action

12. What does "flashbacks" mean?

b) experiences where you feel the effects of LSD long after consuming the drug

Expressions Questions

1. What does "hang around with" mean?

b) spending time together

2. What does "go off" mean?

c) to make a noise

3. What does "make up" mean?

a) to compensate for something

4. What does "popping in and out" mean?

d) moving between two different places or feelings over and over again

5. What does "spaced out" mean?

c) having difficulty thinking clearly

6. What does "black out" mean?

b) when a person temporarily loses their vision or memory

Grammar Questions

1. I _______ to adjust to the parties.

d) had

2. We talk _______ the drive home.

a) on

3. Max is smiling _______.

c) happily

4. Max said it _______ make it fun.

b) would

5. My hands shake _____ I call 911.

a) as

6. He said Max _______ be there the rest of his life.

a) will

b) ought

c) could

d) can

Comprehension Questions

Compare your answers to the story and video.

Essay Questions

Answers may vary.

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