Florence Nightingale,
the Lady with the Lamp

Inspirational Life Stories in Simple English

Listening Practice + Worksheet

Enter the incredible world of Florence Nightingale, a truly extraordinary woman who broke all boundaries and reshaped history.

Get ready for a thrilling journey as you listen to the story of her remarkable life. This is a tale of bravery, kindness, and unstoppable determination.

Florence Nightingale Short Story

We will learn how one person can transform an entire field and inspire countless generations.

Discover the incredible power of one woman to make a true difference in the world.

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All Tenses

In 1820, a baby named Florence Nightingale is born. She is born into a big and fancy family in a beautiful city called Florence in Italy. Her parents, William and Frances Nightingale, are very important people. They decide to call her Florence, just like the city. Imagine being named after a whole city!

But little do they know, this special baby girl will grow up to do something amazing that would change the world forever.


1) Listen to the full story below.

2) Then complete the accompanying worksheet.

3) Check out the "Florence Nightingale" interactive book for English learners.

Florence Nightingale, the Lady with the Lamp | Inspirational Life Stories in Simple English (Listening Practice)


Comprehension questions

1. When and where was Florence Nightingale born?

a) 1820, in Florence, Italy.

b) 1800, in London, England.

c) 1835, in Paris, France.

2. What career did Florence pursue against societal expectations?

a) Teacher

b) Scientist

c) Nurse

3. In which war did Florence Nightingale gain recognition for her work?

a) American Revolutionary War

b) Crimean War

c) World War II

4. How did Florence improve sanitation and medical practices during the war?

a) By inventing new surgical techniques

b) By implementing better hygiene measures and organizing medical supplies

c) By developing advanced medical equipment

5. What significant contribution did Florence make to nursing education?

a) Founding the Nightingale Training School for Nurses

b) Establishing the International Red Cross

c) Publishing influential medical textbooks

6. According to Florence Nightingale, which of the following is NOT one of the key principles for a healthy environment?

a) Pure air

b) Pure water

c) Comfortable furniture

Essay questions

1. In your opinion, what is the most remarkable aspect of Florence Nightingale's legacy and why?
2. Is it better to conform to societal expectations or to challenge and question them?



1. 1820, in Florence, Italy.

2. Nurse

3. Crimean War

4. By implementing better hygiene measures and organizing medical supplies

5. Founding the Nightingale Training School for Nurses

6. Comfortable furniture

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