is a type of
language in the English
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Hyperboles are obvious exaggerations.
means that it is easy to understand or clear to everyone.
An exaggeration
is something that is described as larger or greater than it really is.
A hyperbole should not be understood literally. That
means that you cannot
believe it word for word.
(To better understand the difference between figurative and literal
meanings, read
or Literal.)
Learn about hyperboles
us look at some examples of hyperboles.
If you have to tell your son multiple times to pick up his
toys, you might say:
I told you a million times
to pick up your toys!
This is an
because you did not
tell your child a
million times. You are
to make a point.
It is
to most people that you are
and did not really tell him a million times.
You are really saying
that you have told him many
times and do
not want to tell him again.
Here is another hyperbole example.
When you are waiting in a long line, you might say:
I am going to be standing here forever!
This is an
because you will not literally be standing in
the line forever. You might stand in the line for a
long time,
eventually you will get to the end of the line.
This is figurative
language meaning:
This is a long line.
I am going to be standing here for a while!
We use hyperboles like these in speaking and writing to create emphasis
or effect. They are also
sometimes used to make a point.
Hyperboles and similes
Sometimes hyperboles can be in the form of a
A simile is a
comparison of two things using the words "like" or "as."
- Her feet are as
big as boats.
(She has large feet.)
- The dog was as
big as my car!
(The dog was bigger than most dogs.)
- Nick is as
tall as a giraffe.
(Nick is very tall.)
These are all
because they are
exaggerations. They are also similes because they are
comparing two things using the words "like" or "as."
Hyperbole examples
Here are some more examples of hyperboles. Enjoy!
- I was so hungry I could eat a horse.

(I was very hungry and could eat a lot of food.)
- The fish was
almost as
tall as me!
(The fish was large.)
- She jumped so high she could touch the sky!
(She jumped very high in the air.)
- Tim was so tired he slept for a year!
(Tim slept a long time.)
- The spider was bigger
than my face!

(The spider was big.)
- The man was so big, he had to use a tree for a
(The man is taller and bigger than most men.)
- The dirty
dishes were stacked to
the ceiling.
(There were a lot of dirty dishes.)
- Susan was so mad, steam came out of her
(Susan was very mad.)
- I have not seen him for an eternity.
(I have not seen him for a long time.)
- Lisa is as
skinny as a toothpick.
(Lisa is very skinny.)

- I have a ton of work to do.
(I have a lot of work to do.)
- It is going
to take me a billion
years to
finish my work!
(I have a lot of work to do.)
- If I do not get that job, I will die!
(I really want the job!)
- He is so old he was born when dinosaurs walked on
(He is very old. He was born a long time ago.)

- My sister never
stops talking.
(My sister talks a lot.)
- My dog is fatter
than an elephant.
(My dog is very fat.)
- These shoes are killing my
(The shoes hurt my feet.)
- Mom cooked enough food to feed an army.
(Mom cooked enough food to feed a lot of people.)
- They waited there for a century.
(They waited for a very long time.)
This was an overview of hyperboles. Now that you understand,
it is
time to practice!
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