onomatopoeia is a type of
figurative language in the English
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Onomatopoeias are words that imitate sounds. Onomatopoeias
sound like the objects they represent or the sounds those objects make.
If you slap your hand down on a table, what sound does it make?
Smack! Bam! Bang! BOOM!
Words used to represent the sounds animals make are onomatopoeias.-
cow = moo
duck = quack

dog = bark, growl, howl
cat = meow, hiss, purr
goose = honk
mouse = squeak
bird = chirp, tweet, caw, twitter
horse = neigh, knicker, whinny
owl = screech, hoo-hoo, hoot
chicken = cluck
sheep = baa
rooster = cock-a-doodle-doo
Here are some more onomatopoeias:
- honk

- click
- chop
- tap
- beep
- knock-knock
- crash
- crackle
- whisper
- shhhh

- snap
- pop
- ping
- plop
- tweet
- twitter
- hush
- swish
- screech
- tinkle
- pitter-patter

- yell
- achoo (sneeze)
- hiccup
- slurp
- scratch
- laugh
- smack
- zing
- cheep
Onomatopoeias in poetry
Onomatopoeias are popular in poetry because they are very descriptive
words. Onomatopoeias help readers understand by forming images in their
Let us look at an onomatopoeia poem by Eve Merriam.
The poem describes water running out of a rusty spigot, or faucet. The
spigot has not been turned on recently. When it is turned on, the water
runs slowly at first and makes "sputtering" sounds. Then it begins
running faster and splashes to the ground.
Here are some words with definitions to help you understand the poem.
spigot = water faucet
gashes = opens
smattering of drops = a few drops
The onomatopoeias are in red.
The rusty spigot
a splutter,
spatters a smattering of drops,
gashes wider;
finally stops sputtering
and plash!
gushes rushes splashes
clear water dashes.
Onomatopoeias in comic books
Onomatopoeias are also very common in comic books to help the reader
understand the pictures and what is happening in each scene.
For example, if a man and woman are
kissing, you might see the words
smack smooch kiss
If people are
fighting, you might see the words
Smack! bang slap
If a phone is
ringing, you might see
riiiiiiinnnnngggg buzz ring-ring-ring
When someone is sleeping, you might see
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz snore
This was an overview of onomatopoeias. Now that you understand,
it is
time to practice!
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