Idioms of "Happy": The Top 10 You Should Know

10 Useful Idioms to Express Happiness

Idioms of "happy" are some of the most colorful and fun expressions in the English language. They are a great way to express your happiness. In this lesson, we will explore 10 different happy expressions. Ready to get started?

What Is an Idiom?

An idiom is a phrase that has a different meaning from the words in it. For example, if you "let the cat out of the bag", it means you have revealed a secret. It does not mean you had a cat inside your bag and you let it out :-)

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Idioms of "Happy"

1. "On cloud nine": to be extremely happy.

idioms of happy

On cloud nine is a phrase that means you are very happy. It is like being on a cloud in the sky, which is a place where you can be very relaxed and happy.

Example sentences:
  • "She has been on cloud nine since she won the lottery."
  • "I will be on cloud nine when I graduate from college."
  • "They are on cloud nine because they are expecting a baby."

2. "Over the moon": to be very happy.

idioms of happy

If you are over the moon, it means you are extremely happy. You might be so happy that you feel like you could float away.

Example sentences:

  • "I am over the moon about my new job."
  • "He was over the moon when he found out about the raise."
  • "They are over the moon about their new house."

3. "On top of the world": to be very happy and excited.

idioms of happy

The phrase "on top of the world" means being very happy and successful. Imagine if you were on top of a tall mountain. You would be able to see everything around you and feel really good about yourself. That's what it feels like to be on top of the world.

Example sentences:

  • "I am on top of the world because I just got engaged."
  • "He is on top of they won the championship."
  • "Our boss is on top of the world because we just landed our biggest-ever contract!"

4. "In seventh heaven": to be very happy and satisfied.

idioms of happy

When we say someone is in seventh heaven, it means they are extremely happy. It's like being on cloud nine, but even better. Imagine the happiest place you can think of - that's what it's like to be in seventh heaven.

Example sentences:

  • "I am in seventh heaven because I just got a promotion."
  • "The little dog was in seventh heaven when he found a bone."
  • "They are in seventh heaven because they are moving to Italy."

5. "Like a kid in a candy store": happy and excited about all your options.

idioms of happy

If you are like a kid in a candy store, it means you are really excited about something and can't wait to have it. A kid in a candy store is someone who is really excited about all of the candy options. It's like being in a place where there are a lot of things that you want and it's hard to choose just one.

Example sentences:

  • "I am like a kid in a candy store when I go to the bookstore. There are so many interesting books!"
  • "When Grandpa saw all of the different ice cream flavors, he was like a kid in a candy store."
  • "Will you be like a kid in a candy store when you go to the amusement park?"

6. "Happy camper": happy and satisfied.

idioms of happy

If you are a happy camper, it means you are content and satisfied with what you have or what you are doing. It's like being in a good mood because everything is going well.

A happy camper is someone who is happy with their current situation. They might be camping in the woods and enjoying nature, or they might be at home on their comfortable sofa. Either way, they are content and happy with what they have.

Example sentences:

"I am on a camping trip. I have all the equipment I need and I am surrounded by nature. Everything is perfect - the sun is shining and the birds are singing. I am a happy camper!"

"Is there a problem with your hotel room?" "No, all good! I am a happy camper."

"He agreed to the deal, but he was definitely not a happy camper."

7. "Happy bunny": happy and satisfied.

idioms of happy

The idiom "happy bunny" means that someone is very happy and content. For example, if a child got a new toy and they were playing with it happily, you could say they are a "happy bunny".

If someone is "not a happy bunny", it means they are not happy. For example, if everyone got a raise except for you, you will probably not be a happy bunny.

Example sentences:

  • "We had an amazing date! I am a very happy bunny."
  • "She is a happy bunny because she got an 'A' on her test."
  • "I was not a happy bunny when I found out that I didn't get that raise."

8. "In high spirits": to be very happy and positive.

idioms of happy

"In high spirits" means someone is happy and excited. They might be laughing a lot and having fun. Imagine if you were at a party with all your friends. You would be in high spirits.

Example sentences:

  • "I am in high spirits because I am going on vacation tomorrow."
  • "Everyone was in high spirits after winning the game."
  • "The party was a success - everyone was in high spirits!"

9. "Have a ball": to have a lot of fun.

idioms of happy

This phrase means to have a good time and enjoy yourself. Imagine you are at a party with all your friends. There is music playing, you are eating,  dancing, and chatting with everyone. You are having a ball.

Example sentences:

  • "I hope you have a ball at the party."
  • "We had a ball at the amusement park."
  • "The kids are having a ball in the pool."

10. "Have the time of your life": to enjoy yourself and have a great time.

idioms of happy

"Have the time of your life" means enjoying yourself so much that it feels like the best time you have ever had. This phrase is used to describe a very positive and fun experience.

Example sentences:

  • "I am going to have the time of my life on my vacation."
  • "She had the time of her life at the Oscars."
  • "I hope you have the time of your life at the prom!"

A Short Story to Practice Idioms of "Happy" in English

I used to work in a small office. It wasn't the best job, but I didn't have any major complaints. I was a happy camper. But then I was suddenly fired! I wasn't a happy bunny.

I was so upset that I decided to buy a lottery ticket. And guess what? I won the lottery! I couldn't believe it! I was on cloud nine. Everything was perfect. I was in seventh heaven.

In fact, I was so over the moon that I was like a kid in a candy store. I was jumping up and down and laughing. My friends were in high spirits too. We were all having a ball.

I decided to travel the world. I wanted to have the time of my life. I went to so many amazing places and met so many interesting people. It was the best decision I ever made. I simply felt on top of the world!

idioms of happy

Exercises with Idioms of "Happy"

A) Complete the missing word in each idiom:

1. I felt like a kid in a __________ store.

2. He is not a happy __________.

3. They were in __________ spirits after winning the game.

4. We had a __________ at the party.

5. I am going to have the *time* of my life on this vacation.

6. He is not a __________ camper after finding out that he didn't get the raise.

7. I am on __________ nine after hearing the news!

8. She is __________ the moon about her new job.

9. We are in __________ heaven since we won the lottery.

10. He is on top of the __________ after becoming the CEO.

B) The following idioms have a mistake. Can you spot all the mistakes?

1. I was not a happy rabbit when I found out that I was not invited.

2. They were all in tall spirits after the party.

3. She is over the sun about her new car.

4. Are you still on cloud eight after your meeting with the pop star?

5. I am in ninth heaven since I met you.

6. He is not a happy traveler since his team lost the game.

7. We are like kids in a cake store when we go to the amusement park.

8. We were on top of the universe since hearing about our nomination.

9. I am in high moods because I am going on vacation tomorrow.

10. Have a party at the dance!

Resources on English Idioms:

- English Idioms

- English Idioms Exercises and Videos

- British English Idioms

- Idiom Examples

- Teaching Idioms: How to Teach Idioms in 4 Steps

- A Guide to Understanding and Using Idiomatic Expressions

- Idioms of "Happy": The Top 10 You Should Know

- 10 Useful Business Idioms in English

Answer Key

A) Complete the missing word in each idiom:

1. I felt like a kid in a candy store.

2. He is not a happy bunny.

3. They were in high spirits after winning the game.

4. We had a ball at the party.

5. I am going to have the time of my life on this vacation.

6. He is not a happy camper after finding out that he didn't get the raise.

7. I am on cloud nine after hearing the news!

8. She is over the moon about her new job.

9. We are in seventh heaven since we won the lottery.

10. He is on top of the world after becoming the CEO.

B) The following idioms have a mistake. Can you spot all the mistakes?

1. I was not a happy rabbit when I found out that I was not invited.

2. They were all in tall spirits after the party.

3. She is over the sun about her new car.

4. Are you still on cloud eight after your meeting with the pop star?

5. I am in ninth heaven since I met you.

6. He is not a happy traveler since his team lost the game.

7. We are like kids in a cake store when we go to the amusement park.

8. We were on top of the universe since hearing about our nomination.

9. I am in high moods because I am going on vacation tomorrow.

10. Have a party at the dance!

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