Preposition Examples
Prepositions Starting with
This series of lessons will list and define some of the most common
in the English language.
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Many preposition examples will be included with each definition.
There are about 150 prepositions in the English language. We will learn
some of the most common prepositions.
is a word or phrase that comes before a noun or pronoun
to show its connection to the other words in the sentence.
Prepositions can show
position, or
Prepositions starting with

in a circle around; on every side
(*It is more common to use the word "around" in these sentences.)
- The people stood about
(around) the preacher.
- The fence was built about
the house.
- She put her arms about
2. near
- The phone rang about
- We are about
- There are many stray cats about
our farm.
3. with regard to, concerning
- He was worried about
the children.
- His honesty is what I like about
- Sammy forgot about
the party.
4. shows the subject of something said or written
- What is Lilly talking about
- Will spoke about
his childhood.
- I read a book about
1. in a higher place; over
- We flew above the
grand canyon.
- Ben lives above
the pizza shop.
- A president is above
a vice-president.
(The president outranks the vice-president.)
2. more than; greater
- Children above
five-years-old will be allowed to ride the bus.
- Women above
40 need to have regular exams.
- His score was above
average on the test.
1. on or to the other side of something
- They flew across
the blue Atlantic Ocean.
- My best friend lives across
the street.
- Mike rode his bike across
the town.
2. to spread over or through
- The sunlight spread across
the horizon.
- The secret spread quickly across
the office.
- The smell spread across
the room.

1. following
- My mom and dad arrived yesterday after
- You can watch television after
you finish your chores.
- The show starts 15 minutes after
1. in opposition to; in competition with
- Jenny and I played on teams against
each other.
- The president voted against
the law.
- The United States fought against
Japan during the war.
2. leaning on or touching
- Lean all the logs against that
- The rain was beating against
my window.
- He was pushing against
the brick wall.

1. in a line matching the length of something
- Please line up along the
west wall.
- The plane flew along
the horizon.
- We rode horses along
the beach.

1. in a group
- The child was lost among
the crowd of tourists.
- I feel most comfortable singing when I am among
- Can you see the egg among
the bushes?
1. near
- She will arrive around
8:00 tonight.
- I will be around
the house tomorrow if you call.
- My keys have to be around
here somewhere
2. on all sides; circle
- The children gathered around
their teacher.
- Please walk around
the table.
- There is a ring around
the planet Saturn.
1. used to show a condition, role, job
- He worked as
a plumber for ten years.
- My father served as
president of the men's club.
- I am speaking as
a teacher, not as
her mother.
1. the place where something is located
- I only drink water when I am at
- Please park at
the back of the house.
- She types at
her desk.
2. because of; in reaction to
- I laughed at
him when he fell down.
- My mom was angry at
me for hitting my brother.
- The dog sits at
my command.
These were Preposition Examples starting with "A". Now that you know
them, it is
time to practice!
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