Vocabulary Flashcards

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Vocabulary flashcards can be a fun and easy way to practice your vocabulary.

So here we have for you some cool flashcards!


Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All Tenses

Here is how it goes:

  1. Choose a word group to work on.
    For example:
    Action Verbs 01

  2. The flashcard presentation starts.
    You will see a picture.
    For example:

    birds flying

  3. Press NEXT to see the word that describes it.
    For example:

    fly example

  4. Press NEXT to see the next picture, and so forth.

  5. Go over all the pictures and words.

  6. When you feel confident about a pair,

  7. Continue like this until you have deleted all the pairs.

  8. Then, move on to Vocabulary Exercises to practice those same words even further!

    Have fun!

List of Flashcards

Action Words

Action Words 01

Action Words 02

Action Words 03

Action Words 04

Action Words 05

Boy writing happily

What's Next?

  1. After using the flashcards, do the exercises!

  2. Read the English Short Stories

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