Best English Blog Awards 2013

Life Feast

Best English Blog Awards 2013 Nominee

Life FeastBlog name: Life Feast, by Ana Maria

Blog's date of creation: July 26, 2006

Where are you located in the world: Uberlandia, Brazil

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1. What do you think makes your blog special?

I started blogging as a way to bookmark sites which I found interesting for my teaching practice. However, with time, I found my own voice and what I like blogging about. 

I normally post about my own path in trying to integrate technology to my classes. I guess, this practical element of documenting my trials in the blog and sharing my thoughts is what makes Life Feast unique.

2. What is the most useful resource/page/section on your blog?

I believe the most useful page on my blog are the posts about activities I've tried with my own students, real examples of student's work along with my impressions of what I liked and didn't like about it.

3. How do you make lessons fun and engaging for your students?

Trying to make our lessons fun and engaging is a permanent wish for teachers. More and more, I come to believe that the more students are engaged in what and how they learn, the more motivating learning can be. 

As a teacher of English as a foreign language, I try to make learning English more meaningful by asking students to create their own digital content using recently learned language.

4. What are your top three suggestions for English learners?

My first suggestion is: connect with other teachers in order to learn and share what you know as well. 

Second, don't be afraid of handing control to students. They can help you a lot by letting you know how they want to learn. 

Third, get to know your students and what they love doing. It's always motivating to learn anything which is related to our own passions.

5. Could you share some wisdom? What is the most common mistake you see English teachers make?

A piece of wisdom? Well, a common mistake I see is when teachers focus more on teaching than in trying to understand how learning happens. 

When planning lessons, we need to think of ways to facilitate learning as opposed to ways to make my lesson more interesting. The center of any learning space should be the learner.

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