Reglas del Future Progressive
(futuro progresivo)

Aquí puedes encontrar tablas con las reglas del Future Progressive (futuro progresivo) sobre:
oraciones afirmativas, oraciones negativas y preguntas.

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All Tenses

Oraciones afirmativas

¿Quién? Forma del verbo Ejemplos
I  will + be + verbo + ing I will be cleaning the house.
(Estaré ordenando la casa.)
He/She/It He will be cleaning the house.
(Él estará ordenando la casa.)

She will be cleaning the house.
(Ella estará ordenando la casa.)

It will be cleaning the house.
(Estará ordenando la casa.)
You You will be cleaning the house.
(Estarás ordenando la casa.)
We We will be cleaning the house.
(Estaremos ordenando la casa.)
They They will be cleaning the house.
(Estarán ordenando la casa.)

Haz clic aquí para aprender cómo agregar ing a un verbo

Oraciones negativas

¿Quién? Forma del verbo Ejemplos
I  will + not + be + verbo + ing
 won't + be + verbo + ing
I will not be cleaning the house.
I won't be cleaning the house.
(No estaré ordenando la casa.)
He will not be cleaning the house.
He won't be cleaning the house.
(No estará ordenando la casa.)

She will not be cleaning the house.
She won't be cleaning the house.
(No estará ordenando la casa.)

It will not be cleaning the house.
It won't be cleaning the house.
(No estará ordenando la casa.)
You You will not be cleaning the house.
You won't be cleaning the house.
(No estarás ordenando la casa.)
We We will not be cleaning the house.
We won't be cleaning the house.
(No estaremos ordenando la casa.)
They They will not be cleaning the house.
They won't be cleaning the house.
(No estarán ordenando la casa.)


¿Quién? Forma del verbo Ejemplos
I be + verbo + ing Will I be cleaning the house?
(Estaré ordenando la casa?)
he/she/it Will he be cleaning the house?
(Estará ordenando la casa?)

Will she be cleaning the house?
(Estará ordenando la casa?)

Will it be cleaning the house?
(Estará ordenando la casa?)
you Will you be cleaning the house?
(Estarás ordenando la casa?)
we Will we be cleaning the house?
(Estaremos ordenando la casa?)
they Will they be cleaning the house?
(Estarán ordenando la casa?)

Estas son las reglas del Future Progressive (futuro progresivo).

Un muchacho escribiendo feliz

¿Qué sigue?

  1. Puedes leer, o volver a leer, cómo usamos el Future Progressive (futuro progresivo)

  2. Practica, practica, practica con los ejercicios

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